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B i o g r a p h y

Jillian is a Boston-based singer/songwriter (born and raised) who performs with many different bands nationally. She has been singing since she could talk and has always had a passion for performing and dancing.

In 2014, she competed in a regional competition and was granted a cash prize along with a 20-minute solo set in front of over 25,000 people at the Danvers, MA Family Festival Fireworks event

She graduated from the University of Massachusetts in 2014 with a Bachelor's degree in Communication and cum laude Latin honors.

She sang in the studio writing and recording original music for many years, but has just recently branched out into live performance and absolutely loves to sing covers for at weddings and nightclubs/bars.

In 2019, she headlined the Gloucester Fireworks show, and Essex Fireworks show with the band Mystery Meat and has recently branched out to become a freelance singer, working with many other artists and bands.


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